• NUT-oriously GOOD.

    Inquirer's Best Desserts 2018
    Spot.PH's Top 10 Sans Rival 2019
    Yummy.PH's Favorite Cakes 2017
    Manila Bulletin's Ultimate Christmas Cakes 2016


We grew up in a house where Sans Rival was a big part of the family tradition. Cipriano® Sans Rival was born out of the desire to recreate the 50-year-old sans rival recipe of our grandfather, Cipriano®.

Though not a baker by profession, he perfected this sans rival recipe over time, tweaking and fine-tuning until it became the gold standard of sans rival for our family. 

When he passed away in 2010, we simply could not find a sans rival out there that we liked better. So we took it upon ourselves to revive it—not just for us, but for others too.

From our family to yours, we hope our beloved sans rival brings joy to your table.

- Cipriano®'s grandchildren -


Thank you Google for helping me find Cipriano® Sans Rival. Best Sans Rival indeed!!


Triple Nut Silvanas. There are some items I'm willing to share with my family and neighbors. This isn't one of them. I love their Triple Nut Sans Rival, and these solo discs address my portion control. So sinful yet it's so good that I don't mind being bad. No one to blame but Cipriano® Sans Rival.

- Angelo Comsti

My grandchildren love your chocolate cake!!!

- Rebecca Aranaz

As I had my first bite, I knew it was worth all the wait. In fact, let me be bold here in saying that this is the best sans rival that I've ever had. I love the chewy, nutty meringue layers which were separated by a thin spread of butting frosting.


My senior parents liked the sugarfree triple nut sans rival. They enjoyed it a lot and didn't notice it's sugarfree.

- Meg Ruiz Agunod

Napa-OMG kami sa sarap!

- @memetdiaries

Cipriano® Sans Rival makes one of the metro's best sans rival cakes.

- GMA Network

Absolutely the best sans rival!!

- Kat Cruz

With meringue layers that are slightly chewy and with generous servings of chopped cashew in between each layer of smooth butter, you’ll have trouble stopping at one slice.

- ClicktheCity

The best chocolate cake I have ever tasted!!! My family loves it too!!

- Ynssstagram

This perfect buttery goodness is the epitome of a classic rendition. Their sans rival comes with the perfect kunat people look for under the creamy slathering of don’t-ask-how-much-butter, and generously topped with cashew nuts.
